Want to make some changes?

Thinking of making some changes? – This is how you get results in your business!

Below a breakdown of the last 7 days action items from one of our private clients:

“Hi Kurt

I love doing marketing and getting it better and better through test and measure.

I’m also imbedding some NLP tactics as well. Here’s what I’m working on;

1) Getting the flyer done and will send through to you as it comes together

2) Started woking on the thank you card which will be hand written, I bought 20 blank for $1 each at the smoke shop. I’m posting the first one out tomorrow.

3) We are also working on the gift baskets we done up about 20 of those

4) We are also working on the new site signage, banner and logo

5) We now have silver, gold and platinum selections packages for clients to choose form

6) Working on 5 x successive draft emails

7) Sale process with 5 x draft emails then the handwritten card and also a follow up call to go back and represent 3 quotes a week

8) I will find the time and prioritise my time better

Tony Robbins says turn your ‘shoulds’ into ‘musts’