Could this be you?

Below is a transcript of a conversation I had with a builder who was comfortable enough for me to confidentially share our discussion with you. Have a read through now and look for any similarities in your current situation. If something strikes a cord with you, then drop us a line for a free 15 minute phone consulation to discuss your situation.

Kurt & Chris the Builder Conversation;

Kurt – “Hi Chris, what was the specific reason that made you decide to contact me?”

Chris – “I’ve been in business for 15 years now and it feels like I’ve got NO control, I’m like a hamster on a wheel. Every day I get out there and give it everything I’ve got but there’s always more that pops up in my face. Its too much for me. I can’t stand the feeling of being out of control, I am the business. I’ve got the typical cash-flow and profit problems and I’m sick of chasing money. I’ve got worked booked for the next six months but I worry about what happens if I don’t get more work booked in after that. There’s money in my account but Im not sure which is mine. I need to get the right structures in place so that I can expand the business and make a profit.

“I want to improve my sales and marketing so I don’t have to worry about work drying up and making sure my boys have work lined up and keep them busy. I’m not too proud to put my hand up and get some outside advice. I really need someone to give me some guidance and direction. I need to figure out what we’re doing wrong. It seems like there’s always problems.”

Kurt – “Ok Chris well it sounds like its worthwhile us catching up…… So Chris, tell me, what would you ultimately like to achieve with your business?”

Chris – “I’d like to get it to a point where I’m doing about 4 Million a year turnover, 20 jobs a year. I want some systems both on-site and in the office and a good supervisor who knows what he’s doing who can run the jobs. Then I can take care of the office and make sure the boys have got work. If I can do that, then I’ll be able to bring on bigger jobs and also check the profit on the jobs more closely. I just want to be able to take a small holiday in the middle of the year and then again later in the year as well. Once I get to a certain point I’ll do my own developments and use those profits to do more projects on the side. Once I’ve got the office and the sites running well then I can look at finding someone to take a leadership role and I can start doing developments for myself. I’d also like to set the business up so that my sons or one of the senior guys can take it over down the track.”

Kurt – “Ok, I understand. So Chris, what is your biggest frustration in your business right now?”

Chris – “Money, definitely the cash-flow and the lack of profit”

Kurt – “How is that affecting you personally Chris?”

Chris – “Well its definitely affecting the wife and kids, its not pretty. The wife’s even talking about me maybe going back to work. Something needs to change, we can’t keep going the way we are, that’s the bottom line. If I keep going on like this I’m going to burn out.”

Kurt – Ok Chris you’ve given me a good idea of where you’re at, what I’d like to do now is get more clarity on what you want to achieve and give you a better idea of how the coaching process works….”

If you can realte to Chris’s situation and would like to hear and see exactly what I covered with Chris next, contact us for a free 15 minute phone consultation